Improval™ MS

Improval™ MS is a water soluble probiotic featuring the novel strain, Bacillus siamensis ZMT02, isolated and developed from chicken gut. In fact, the composition is same as that of the feed variant, Improval™ BFS, for strategic synergy. The total potency is NLT 5 billion cfu/g.

Why Is Improval™ MS Critical In First Few Weeks Of Chick’s Life ?

Calculation of probiotic consumption/bird/day is critical during first 2W–– NLT 0.1 billion/bird/day. Considering the low feed intake during the indicated period, the feed based probiotic cannot achieve the target dosing per chick per day. Therefore, application of water soluble variants (same probiotic strain) in feed as well as water supplement from 1 DOA is critical.

Improval™ MS featuring 5 billion spores of B. siamensis ZMT02 per g can achieve 0.1 billion spores consumption per bird per day at even 20 g per 1000 birds


Key Benefits Of Using Improval™ MS

  • Significant reduction in early chick mortality
  • Significant improvement in production indices
  • Optimises flock uniformity